
Istisss – Istituto per gli Studi sui Servizi Sociali – Roma – Istisss – Istituto per gli Studi sui Servizi Sociali – Roma

ISTISSS: TRAINING COURSE “INTEGRART”: integration trough art and representation – sroytelling, video and theatre whwn working with migrant and second generation youth

Prosegue presso l'ISTISSS il corso  promosso dall'Agenzia Nazionale nell'ambito del programma Youth in action.

The training course for 24 partecipants from each partner's country (Italy, Spain, Greece and The Netherlands is held in Rome and organized by ISTISSS as promoter with the partnership of Fundacion Escuela de Soloridariedad (SPAIN) , The Society of Orestes (GREECE) , Stiching Diversiteitsland ( THE NETHERLANDS) .